SHOCK VIDEO: I saw Omar Khadr on my flight — and police threatened to arrest me if I didn’t shut up about it!

SHOCK VIDEO: I saw Omar Khadr on my flight — and police threatened to arrest me if I didn’t shut up about it!

UPDATE: On an episode of The Ezra Levant Show, True North's Andrew Lawton joined me to talk about convicted terrorist Omar Khadr's public relations in Canada and his branding as a child soldier.

Since his release back to Canada from Guantanamo Bay, Khadr has been continually shielded from tough questions. In this clip, we'll go over some examples:


UPDATE: On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, I went through the footage and aftermath of what happened when I ran into convicted Al-Qaida terrorist Omar Khadr when we both took the same flight from Toronto Pearson International Airport to Halifax Stanfield:


I heard that Dalhousie University had invited Omar Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist, to speak to students.

I thought that was appalling, so I flew from Toronto to Halifax this morning to attend the event tonight.

Little did I know that Khadr would be on the same plane as me, just a few rows ahead of me.

He was sitting first class — that’s what you can do when Justin Trudeau gives you $10.5 million.

I didn’t recognize him when I boarded the plane because he hid his face from me. But I recognized him when we landed and he stood up.

I asked the flight attendant about it. Why was an Al Qaida terrorist allowed on a plane? Why wasn’t the no-fly list being enforced? I asked the co-pilot the same question. Neither had any idea.

When I got off the plane, I saw Khadr with a group of his local fans who had come to meet him at the airport. I went up to him and asked if I could talk with him. I recorded the video:


Police threatened to arrest me. Not Khadr, the Al Qaida terrorist — me. They called me a danger. I didn’t touch him or block him or swear at him — I tried to ask him some basic questions. The police literally grabbed me and pushed me. What a disgrace.

Canadian police protecting an Al Qaida terrorist’s “right” to fly on a passenger plane and threatening to arrest a peaceful journalist for asking about it.

We have to pursue this further. Why is a terrorist being allowed to fly? Is that a special favour that Trudeau did for him?

Khadr belongs in jail.

Please sign this petition that I will deliver to the public safety minister.

5,312 signatures

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